Comfortable Dress Shoes for Men- French Design

Comfortable Dress Shoes for Men- French Design

One of the first collections for Liv’Hipp, The Casual Chic. The Casual Chic collection is a combination between an Elegant and a Casual Derby shoe, handcrafted in the finest suede. The colorful welt and laces bring a twist of fun. This model has a hand-stitched leather sole with rubber studs that combines Comfort and Elegance.

Where to wear?

The Casual Chic has a rubber sole offering the comfort of a tennis shoe but in a very classic dress shoe. The memory foam inner sole will form to your foot creating a custom fit. With the thin rubber lining between the leather sole, every step will absorb all shock to protect your foot and allowing you to be on the move. This collection is very popular and can be worn to unlimited occasions. The most popular occasions are

  • Day in the Office
  • Drinks at Happy Hour
  • Lunch or Dinner Date
  • Family & Friend Gatherings

What with?

This collection will look best with a more formal pant, definitely not shorts, and a long sleeve button up. The shoes are showcased when wearing different color clothing and truly embarrassing the Liv’Hipp Lifestyle. The detailing on the shoes will be highlighted with solid color pants and sure to gain a lot of attention. 

Comfort Level

Liv'Hipp Shoes have an inner sole made of high-quality Memory foam carefully lined by hand with leather. The inside of the shoe features a thin coat of soft leather for additional support, comfort and longevity.